Board Exam Results and Your Professional Success

There is a large gap between the CBSE results and seat availability for different competitive exams.

First, see the CBSE results for this year(2021-22)…


Even there are a large number of students who got more than 95% on the exam
For class 10th


For class 12th

Now see the seat availability for IITs


And the number of seats available for the NEET exam 



But All India Quota is very less as compared to the total seats



These exams were major entrance exams that the majority of students in India opt for.

There are a few more popular competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, NDA, etc.

UPSC seats

SSC Seats

NDA Seats



The Conclusion:

Now you must have an idea about the relevance of the marks obtained in board exams.

There are insufficient seats (approx 16000 for iits + 8000 for neet + 10,000 other govt.) available even for those students who have scored more than 95 % in 10th and 12th board exams which is 57,824 and 33,472 respectively.

So board exam marks do not reflect the true employability of the candidates.

It also does not reflect the true potential of the candidates. There are many successful candidates who did not do well in board exams but did exceptionally well in competitive exams.

This also doesn’t mean board marks are irrelevant. It gives you a boost to excel in the future.

But data suggests

If you score more than 95% on the board exam(12th), then only you can assure yourself about your future professional success on average.

This article may sound pessimistic but this is the reality.

So Never Stop Fighting Until You Don’t Achieve Your Goals.

All The Best !!!


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